Anabaptist Collaboration on Climate Change
This consensus statement was “signed on” by the organizations listed below following the Anabaptist Collaboration on Climate Change meeting held Jan 26-27, 2022. Contact CSCS if you would like to add your organization to this list.
“As organizations founded on Christian faith in the Anabaptist tradition, we recognize the significant threat to global communities, economic justice, and the next generations from climate change. We are committed to explore our work and mission in support of sustainable and just climate solutions.”
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions
Coalition for Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery
Eastern Mennonite University
Everence Financial (1)
Goshen College
Mennonite Central Committee U.S.
Mennonite Central Committee Canada
MennoMedia (1)
Mennonite Church Canada
Mennonite Creation Care Network
Mennonite Economic Development Associates
Mennonite Education Agency
Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship
Mennonite Men (2)
Mennonite Mission Network (1)
Mennonite World Conference
Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College.
(1) An agency of Mennonite Church USA
(2) A constituency group of Mennonite Church USA