Core Partners
Eastern Mennonite University (EMU)
Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) is “a Christian university… with top academics and focus on peace, service, sustainability, community, and study abroad cross-cultural understanding.” With campuses in Harrisonburg, Virginia and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, EMU engages students with rigorous academics from a Mennonite perspective. Their goal is to prepare graduates “to serve and lead in a global context.”
Their commitment to sustainability and creation care has been a core aspect of their community since “before ‘green’ became trendy.” Their commitments include a climate action plan to achieve carbon-neutrality by 2035, LEED-certified residence halls, and the first commercial solar installation in Virginia from 2010. EMU was selected to be one of the core partners by founding donor, Ray Martin, who said that he had “c[o]me to see EMU was doing even more than I had realized, and I decided EMU as an institution to lead this might be a good bet.” See more about EMU’s commitment to sustainability here.
Goshen College
Goshen College is “a nationally-ranked Christian liberal arts college in Indiana known for leadership in international education, sustainability and social justice.” They have been known for their affordability and a strong commitment to having a green campus. But, most importantly, Goshen wants to be viewed as more than a college. “It’s a Spirit-filled global community, a research lab, a catalyst for positive change and a home for people who seek peace—both in their own lives and in the international community.”
Their leadership in the field of sustainability has been recognized by The Princeton Review, and Sierra Club, both of whom acknowledge Goshen as “one of America’s greenest colleges.” On campus, they demonstrate their commitment by purchasing 100% renewable energy for their electricity, by building a solar hot water collection system for their fitness center, and through the Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center, which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Goshen sees its part in the Center as a “tool and resource to advance the important efforts we have undertaken. We’re here to focus on solutions and take action.” See more about Goshen’s commitment to sustainability here.
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) engages in “relief, development and peace in the name of Christ.” As a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist communities, they “share[] God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.” Their work extends from relief and development to advocating for policies that “lead to a more peaceful world.”
Climate change and sustainability is a part of everything that MCC does, from their relief and development work, which deals directly with the costs of climate change, to their advocacy around the world. In the summer of 2017 they published an issue of their regular publication, Intersections, which discussed how climate change affects their work. In it, they describe their role as largely adaptive, rather than the traditional role of mitigative action. They endeavor to work with communities to adapt to the changes climate change is precipitating in their communities. MCC is excited for the “challenge [the Center] presents to MCC to deepen it’s engagement.” See more about MCC’s commitment to sustainability here.