Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery
The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery calls on the Christian Church to address the extinction, enslavement, and extraction done in the name of Christ on Indigenous lands. We believe it is the primary responsibility of those of us who are white settler-descended folks to dismantle the legal, policy, and church structures created and reinforced by the dominant culture, as well as the attitudes and norms of oppression that dehumanize Indigenous Peoples. As an Indigenous rights coalition, we partner with Indigenous Peoples as they pursue ecological justice. This takes the form of advocacy to change legislation that enables environmental degradation on indigenous lands, commitment to self-education for those of us who are settlers, and accountability with Indigenous Peoples and descendants who directly suffer oppression caused by the Doctrine of Discovery and who are still targeted by current laws, policies and social norms.
Get involved:
Host an event
Educate yourself and your community (check out our resources!)
The Land Is Not Empty book by Sarah Augustine
Connect with us:
Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery is a volunteer coalition originating from Mennonite Church USA.