Eastern Mennonite University (EMU)
Harrisonburg, VA
Website: emu.edu
EMU was encouraging sustainable living long before “green” became trendy. It’s always been part of our understanding of the call to live gently with God’s creation. Beginning in 2015, EMU implemented a Climate Action Plan that commits the university to carbon neutrality by 2035. EMU students live in LEED-certified, energy efficient residence halls. Our library draws power from the first-installed commercial-scale solar installation in the state. Dining hall guests compost food scraps to later nourish campus gardens, which provide fresh produce.
Climate Action Plan:
Climate-related Programs of Study:
Majors and Minors:
Environmental Science (major, minor)
Peacebuilding & Development (major, minor)
Environmental Justice (minor)
Graduate Studies from
Graduate Certificates:
Facilities and Grounds:
“Why Advocating for Climate Justice Matters” by Clara Weybright
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