Pastoral Care for Climate

Weaving Science & Theology for Justice

Climate change trainings for Christian leaders.

In the face of the looming climate disaster, many of us do little about it. We may feel anger, anxiety, or nothing at all. We may feel powerless in this global societal crisis, keeping us from engaging. How can churches help people engage in the climate crisis? How can Christians be work side-by-side with scientists to address the challenges before us?

Pastors and other church leaders are unique in bringing together social, emotional and spiritual roles. These trainings help empower pastors and other leaders to effectively engage science, broaden climate action in a congregation or ministry setting, and move people from denial and inaction to congregational action and political advocacy. 

These retreats are transformational experiences that aim to weave together scientific, theological, and ministry approaches to climate change. Our goal is to increase opportunities to connect pastors and scientists around climate change. 

Each retreat location is a unique experience that addresses the regional challenges that communities face in the wake of climate change and environmental injustice. 

Join us to:

  • Build connections with ministry leaders and scientists to engage as faithful climate advocates.

  • Explore the pastoral care implications of social psychological research on climate. 

  • Learn from scientists about how the changing climate is altering the human and ecological realities of local ecosystems.

  • Experience congregational resilience in the face of climate injustice and how climate impacts frontline communities most vulnerable to natural disasters.

  • Understand how climate impacts frontline communities most vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters. 

  • See how Christian traditions can foster a wild hope in the midst of tragic consequences.

  • Worship in ways that engage our embeddedness in nature. 

  • Learn how your church community can create a supportive network of activists engaged in climate resilience and advocacy deeply rooted in our faith.

We are looking for Christian leaders from across the spectrum of climate engagement: from seasoned activities to those who have never said the words “climate change” in church.

We are currently considering dates and locations for next year, though the North Carolina retreat is likely to happen again. If you would like to co-host a retreat in your location, contact us at


Who is eligible?

All Christian leaders (clergy and lay) are eligible to apply. Priority is given to the participants who are the best fit for the workshops based on region or theme.

How much does it cost?
This program so far has been offered for free and we are committed to keeping this program accessible in price. We attempt to fundraise to keep the cost for participants as low as possible. However, the expenses (if any) will vary from one location to another.

2024 Retreat Locations

2023 Trainings

2024 Trainings

  • Georgia: January 22-24

  • North Carolina: June 3-5

  • Maine: June 20-22